FMBC Announcements


Student Ministry

Wednesday Nights Student Ministry will serve in
Kids ministries and services at Faith!

Come & Dine Wednesdays at 5pm!

1/22 - Chili Beans - Potato - Dessert
Sign Up on the App/Online or at the Welcome Desk

Ways to Connect

FMBC has many ways you can connect with your Faith Family!
  1. Men's Bible Study
  2. Women's Bible Studies
  3. BSF-Ladies Bible Study Fellowship on Thursdays
  4. Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night Worship Services with Ministries for all Ages!
  5. Attend our many Events throughout the year. (Spring Fling-Family Conference-Harvest Fest-VBS-etc...)
                         If you have questions please contact the church office.

Connect through our FMBC App!!!

If you don't have our App,
scan the QR Code below to download it now.